Presentation Templates

7 Project Templates That Will Save You Time

Jordan Turner
July 1, 2020
 min read
7 Project Templates That Will Save You Time7 Project Templates That Will Save You Time
Table of Contents

Teams spend hundreds of hours each year creating presentations. In fact, salespeople spend 31% of their time fidgeting with slides and updating content. Imagine if they were able to reallocate a chunk of that time to actually selling their product or service. But the tedious task of building presentations isn’t limited to just sales teams. Marketers, entrepreneurs and CEOs, human resources, team leads, and project managers may also fall victim to their presentation slides. A 2018 survey shows that of those who create a presentation on their own, 47% said that it took them more than 8 hours to simply design the deck. Given those statistics, it’s safe to say that presentations can be a time-suck— but we’re here to change that. streamlines the presentation design process. Simply put, our users say creating presentations in is 10x faster than other software. We believe that users should be focused on their ideas and telling stories, not the mechanics of building a deck. We take on a lot of the heavy-lifting when it comes to the design so that our users can focus on what’s really important: their message. 

We know that your time is invaluable, so we offer features like smart slides that help you get a jumpstart on your presentation design. Each slide has multiple variations, with design best practices in mind, so that you can easily choose which layout compliments your content best. The simple, intuitive controls make it easy to change fonts, colors, and themes instantly so that your presentation is always professional and on-brand. Basically, you bring your story and we'll make it beautiful.

Our smart slides are great, but it gets better. Beyond individual slide templates, we also offer entire presentation templates. Our free library is full of curated, pre-built templates created by industry experts. We’ve got sales decks, HR onboarding presentations, and everything in between, so there’s a presentation template for nearly every team or meeting. The presentation templates are a great resource if you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start in the design process. All you have to do is select your presentation, save it to your own library, customize it, and present. Hint: pre-built templates save up to 75% design time. 

Here are a few of our most popular pre-built templates that will help you scale the presentation process so you can focus on the work that matters most. 

Weekly Report 

Just as an annual report reviews the past year’s goals, projects, and progress, a weekly report presentation examines the past week completely. Your weekly report should quickly recap what was completed in the past week, what you’re working on now, and plans for the week ahead.

Use our weekly report presentation template to:

  • Share progress on an ongoing project
  • Demonstrate how challenges were handled
  • Show weekly sales and revenue performance

B2B Marketing Plan

If you don’t have a B2B marketing plan to outline your buyer persona, budget, promotions and advertising, and other strategies, your efforts won’t be as effective. Take the time to put together a B2B marketing plan that gives your campaigns context, examines your resources, analyzes your current marketing performance, and sets up a strategy to achieve your goals.

Use our B2B marketing plan template to:

  • Dive deep into your market and the competitive landscape
  • Plan content with an editorial calendar
  • Outline marketing campaign goals

Team Stand-Up

Our team stand-up template is a pre-built, customizable presentation optimized for team meetings and collaboration. Your team meeting will run smoothly with an agenda slide, talking points slide, deliverables update slide and more to keep everyone organized, focused and on the same page.

Use the team stand up template to:

  • Keep team members on the same page
  • Get stakeholders up to speed
  • Ensure everyone is on track toward larger goals or campaigns

Budget Proposal

When you need to make your case to managers or executives for additional resources, a budget proposal presentation is an essential tool. Your presentation should explain your idea, what obstacles you may come across, and why your desired budget is necessary for your project. 

Use a budget proposal presentation to:

  • Gain funding for your department
  • Explain the budget for a new project or initiative
  • Fund new hires for your team

All Hands Meeting 

An all-hands meeting gathers your entire organization together for a short but effective assembly. These meetings allow separate teams and employees to connect to one another, building a sense of community and boosting morale. You can accomplish a lot if you organize your meeting well.

Use’s all hands template to:

  • Share departmental and company-wide updates
  • Remind your team of the company’s broader vision and goals
  • Highlight new team members

Go to Market Strategy

A go to market strategy, or GTM strategy, explains the process needed to break into a new market or a new audience, step by step. You can use a go to market strategy for a new product launch, new service offering, a startup launch, or a brand relaunch. It’s similar to a marketing plan, but with a narrower, more detailed focus on one of your products or services.

Use our go to market presentation template to:

  • Outline your business strategy
  • Validate timing, target audience, and market
  • Inform all teams about the go to market strategy

Grant Proposal 

A grant proposal is an investment request for a nonprofit or a for-profit project. To be successful, a grant proposal needs to define your organization’s goals, explain the impact of those goals, how you plan to achieve them, and how your grantee can make a difference with their funds. Using a grant proposal template can ensure that your presentation has everything it needs to wow your potential investors.

The most effective grant proposal presentation examples are used to:

  • Convince grantees to invest in your project
  • Raise funds for your nonprofit or business
  • Explain to stakeholders how you’ll achieve specific objectives

Didn’t quite see what you were looking for? We have tons more. Check out our full library of pre-built presentation templates here

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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